Interviews & major lectures


Neuro Technology Center Columbia University: NTC/DIPC Symposium: NanoNeuro 2022

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Interview with Viola (in German) by Gesundheitheute. There is a lot of research going on, in order to get the corona virus under control. Prof. Vogel is engaging herself with the selfcleaning mechanisms of the raspiratory system and is explaining - understandable for everyone - what we can do.

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ETH Podcast with Viola: How can we use the fragile shell of the corona virus and our self-​cleaning mechanisms of the respiratory tract for self-​protection? 

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Simply Einstein: Viola Vogel - Life at the Nanoscale. external page Read more


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Nobel Prize: Tagesanzeiger Es sind diese suggestiven Fragen: Du als Mädchen? Du als Frau? external page Read more (German).


BILANZ: Die Bio-​Logistikerin. (German).


Tagesanzeiger: Mit der Kraft der Natur. Drei Wissenschafter setzten auf die Evolution, um Wirkstoffe gegen Krankheiten zu entwickeln und chemische Reaktionen schneller und günstiger zu machen. Dafür erhalten sie den Nobelpreis.

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Tagesanzeiger: Werkzeuge aus Licht. Mit Laserstrahlen lassen sich raffinierte Instrumente herstellen: zum Beispiel eine optische Pinzette oder ein Skalpell. Dafür gab es am Dienstag den Nobelpreis für Physik. 

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"Sound of Molecules – I. fiddle (with)"

Premiered during the opening session of ICMSE in Basel on 27 August 2017. This audio-visual production represents a milestone in the on-going unique cooperation between NCCR MSE and argovia philharmonic. For more than one year a group of NCCR MSE scientists (Viola Vogel and Ralf Stutzki) and Swiss artists (Christian Weidmann, Lukas Huber and Samuel Hertig) teamed up in order to create a most unusual communication tool meant to enrich the on-going societal debate about the ethical challenges of synthetic biology.

The premiere of Sound of Molecules – I. fiddle (with) was performed by the renowned argovia philharmonic. This 7 minute classical-modern composition both reflects on and challenges the first phase of NCCR MSE research while simultaneously interpreting photo graphic and video graphic sequences which originated in the labs of Molecular Systems Engineering. More infos:

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Mechanobiology Matters: Reassessing our Promises in Nanomedicine

General Challenges in Nanomedicine: CLINAM 2017, Basel.

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Using Physics to Exploit Bacteria’s Mechanical Weaknesses

World Economic Forum 2016.

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Interview with Prof.Viola Vogel: "Newspaper Die Rheinpfalz: Der Hund ist die Fresszelle"

Enlarged view: interview

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How Immune Cells Wrestle with their Prey

The Translation to Knowledge Based Nanomedicine: CLINAM 2015, Basel.

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Prof. Viola Vogel explains Molecular Systems Engineering

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Sie sucht in der Natur nach der Nanowelt.


Die Physikerin Viola Vogel ist eine der wenigen Frauen, die an der ETH eine Forschergruppe leiten. Mit ihren Nanoshuttles hat sie viele Preise gewonnen.

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Science Talk - 3. November 2013, ETH Hönggerber


Rolf Lyssy, Filmregisseur ("Die Schweizermacher") trifft Viola Vogel, Professorin für Angewandte Mechanobiologie zum Gespräch über die Suche nach neuen Materialien, wie sich daraus perfekte Werkstoffe oder erfolgreiche Filme entwickeln lassen und aus welchem Stoff "richtige Schweizer" gestrickt sind.

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Prof. Viola Vogel at the World Economic Forum 2013 in Davos.


Interview of the Tagesanzeiger with Prof. Viola Vogel and the presiding officer of Swiss parliament Maya Graf.

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WEF 2013: How science can be of use for economy.


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Viola Vogel Talkgast bei Giacobbo/Müller


Prof. Dr. Viola Vogel spricht auf SRF 1 mit Victor Giacobbo und Mike Müller über Nanotechnologie .

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Nano-Tera 2012 - LiveSense Cell-based Sensing Microsystem

This project addresses the need to improve the environmental monitoring of the many chemical and biological compounds that are affecting our biosphere and eventually human health. The idea is to use living cells as biosensors and to monitor them in a microfluidic bioreactor equipped with microsensors. Living cells are the most natural biosensors, since they integrate the biological effects of the compound mixtures and respond by metabolic or phenotypic changes that are relevant to potential effects in the human body. The projects aims at the realization of a complete autonomous microsystem that would include a cell culture microbioreactor, secondary sensors to measure cell response and monitor the microbioreactor process, a signal processing control unit and a wireless communication unit to link the microsystem to a sensor network.

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How cells and bacteria exploit the nanomechanics of proteins

Keynote speaker: Viola Vogel, ETH, Switzerland.
The Fred Chaoul TAU 8th Annual Nano Workshop: A Tel Aviv University event that was held at the HaGoshrim kibbutz: Dates: 26-28/06/12

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Marie Curie Lecture 2011: Non-Covalent Bond under Mechanical Stress

Keynote lecture of Viola Vogel on CHAINS2011 - the largest Dutch chemical conference ever on 28, 29 & 30 November 2011.
1,500 scientists from all disciplines, universities and business come together to learn from each other, to share ideas and to network. The program includes the full scope of present-day chemistry.

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"What Happens When Proteins and Their Junctions Are Pulled upon by Motors?" by Viola Vogel (ETH Zürich), introduced by Joanna Aizenberg (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and Harvard University)

Welcoming remarks by Lizabeth Cohen (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and Harvard University) and Rosalind Segal (Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study and Harvard University)
"Designing Intelligent Nano/Microbots" by Ayusman Sen (Pennsylvania State University), introduced by Judith Steen (Children's Hospital Boston)

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Interview of Prof. Hans Kuhn (6 parts)

Interviewer: Prof. Viola Vogel & Prof. Peter Strazewski
The Interview was given at the occasion of the Symposium at the ETHZ 5/6 December 2009 celebrating Prof. Hans Kuhn's 90th birthday.
It was performed during the round trip on the lake of Zürich at the Saint Nicholas ship's upper floor.Link to part 2-6.

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Part 1.
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